Sunday, 28 September 2008

Web 2.0

"We Are The Producers and Consumers" - Web 2.0
What Is Web 2.0..?

Web 2.0 is a growing phenomenon, something of growing concern to many individuals and organisations. It is a growing 'social networking' system, whitch has a very wide spread and much use to the growing generations.

80,000,000 sites...

...1 Billion+ Global Users

How Dose It Affect Us As Producers...
  • It Is quicker and much more efficient to use.
  • It Brodens the producers ideas and focus as we can develope the media with our own ideas.
  • It is a starting point for new begginers and a inspiration.

How Dose It Affect Us As A Consumer...

**Large variety of websites I can use as a sorce of research.

Quick Connection.

I can keep in-touch with my friends and family through social networking systems such as... Facebook, Myspace, Hi5 ect.

...Downloading Music and Films has become easier and their is a greater variety of websites to choose from.

What Is Web 1.0?
  • Websites which were created from 1994 to 2004.
  • It was illiterate and had slow internet connections.
  • Web 1.0 was used to describe the web, before the ". com" arrived in 2001.
  • All that was reprenting communication in Web 1.0 was were emails and minor chat programmes.