Wednesday 14 January 2009

Evaluations 2


• Attainment – (2) I attend all lessons but recently I have missed a few lessons so I shall improve by attending all media lessons at all times.

• Effort – (2) I enjoy media very much so I put in a fair amount of effort in lessons.

• Punctuality- (3) I have been late to a few lessons recently.

• Submission and Quality of Homework- (2) My homework is always of a good standard.

• Ability to Work Independently- (2/3) I am able to work on my own however I get very easily distracted so I shall work on that and concentrate more on task when they are set to work on your own.

• Quality of Writing- (2) My writing is fine; I am not too worried about that.

• Organisation of Media Folder- (2) My folder is up to date.

• Oral Contributions in Class-(2) When I know the answer always try to take part in contribution in the lesion.

• Contributions to Your Practical Production Group- (2) We have not done much group work yet but so fair think I have contributed a fair amount.

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