After watching the clip, “An Anthropological Introduction to YouTube” I found some interesting facts…*
*][1948][* When ABC First Issued Broadcasting & Now Has Developed On To 3 Major Networks…
60 SUCCESFUL YEARS- since ABC has been broadcasting-!
YouTube has produced more than this in the last 6 MONTHS. However this may not have been achieved without the help of the producers… YOU!
“*wE ArE tHe pRoDuCeRs aNd CoNsUmErS Of ThE mEdIa…*”
YOUTUBE Was Created To Benefit The Media Consumers Throughout "New forms of expression, New forms of community, & New forms of identity emerging"
Whos Is On YouTube?
Today’s society will tend to believe, that YouTube is above all viewed by teenagers because 25% of the videos posted on YouTube mostly have 12-17 year olds featured in them. People would not expect the older generation to be involved with anything to do with YouTube since younger people are more known to view it, nevertheless it is said that 25% of YouTube videos feature a 35year old or over.
Michael Wesch and his students went back to the idea that when media changes human relations change, an example of this is how they were able to build a community through the use of webcams. A video was made by one of Wesch’s students showing that she is actually talking to her webcam and not the users of YouTube and that even though when someone views the video it may appear that she is talking to them but she doesn’t know who they are.
“The Little Glass Dot, The Eyes of the World”
The Little Glass Dot is Wesch’s poem, it talks about the webcam being the eyes to the World.
The webcam can be many things but it cannot just be one thing, it can be there for us to strive for fame or to just simply connect.
The Little Glass Dot is not what you make of it but what we make of it. . .
Conclusion Of An Anthropological Introduction To YouTube
Conclusion By B.Nessel 1873
People believe that the videos on YouTube are created for hopes to change the world; however B.Nessel made his to help him live in this world! YouTube, brought him life again because it became a form of therapy for him and it allowed him to act how he wanted, and feel the way pleased him.
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